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Browse our Latin Quote Christian Encouragement Cards - $40 / 250 cards
and $15/250 shipping. Do it Now!

1 Corinthians 1:18 (Latin 1)

church 1

Encouragement is one of the things we are called to do. This card allows you to notice behaviors that
deal passing on the word of God to anyone, particularly those who do not know God yet. It takes courage
to support Christ in the face of the world. Notice those who have done it.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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1 John 5:5 (Latin 2)


This card is a general purpose card, good for encouraging many different behaviors. If someone is having a difficult life, fight off temptation, having difficulties at home or work, this one reminds them who they are doing it all for.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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Ecclesiastes 5:10 (Latin 3)

church 1

This card can be used to encourage those who are making the right decisions with money, whether at home, at work, in business or where ever you have noticed it. The chose to honor the Lord, rather than the money.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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Isaiah 11:1 (Latin 4)


If you know people who "bearing fruit," in that they are bring people to Christ or are acting according to the spirit ... you know who they are. They walk into the room, and you feel the peace of God come with them.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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Isaiah 12:2 (Latin 5)

church 1

Do you know people who live, walk, talk and spread the Spirit of the Lord around, where ever they go and whatever they are doing. This is the card you send to those people.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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John 3:16 (Latin 6)

This is a general purpose Christian encouragement card.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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John 8:32 (Latin 7)

church 1

This card can be sent to someone who just became a Christian, just arrived at a spot in their lives where they got closer to the Lord, just helped someone else see the light.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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Mark 4:41 (Latin 8)


This is also a general purpose Christain encouragement card. It is also a card for someone who has just faced a large challenge and passed through it; or for someone who is in the middle of a fight. It does not have to be a fight against powers of evil, but even those are a daily event for those who stand with God.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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Matthew 6:14 (Latin 9)

church 1

Encourage someone you have forgiven, someone you want to have forgive you, someone who has lived under a cloud and escaped it by forgiveness.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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Matthew 7:24 (Latin 10)


This card is a general purpose encouragement card. It can also be used for those who have weathered a storm because of their faith or helped you or someone else weather the storm.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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When you write a thank you note or an Oops card, you simply need to remind them that you
talked to them, thank them for what ever they did, tell them how it makes you feel, and tell
them what happens next.