How To Order

Once you have decided which card, poster, Ad Card or other product you which to order, go to the order form at the bottom of each page, and enter the requested information.


Select the Item you want at the top of the order entry form.


Once you have filled in the necessary information, and uploaded you logo, press the PRINT button for you pre-confirmation recorded of you order, and then press the CONTINUE button to go to the order payment page, where you add this item to your cart.


If you want more items, select that after adding this item to your cart.





Browse our Oops Cards -$60/500, $40 / 250 or $30 / 100 cards and $15/250 shipping. Do it Now!

Thank You Card - Bear Languages

church 1

When You make a mistake, people love to hear that you know you made a mistake, what you are going to do about, and that you care about them enough to tell them.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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Thank You Card - Jumping Tiger

church 1

When You make a mistake, people love to hear that you know you made a mistake, what you are going to do about, and that you care about them enough to tell them.


If you don't have a website, that is ok. We just want you to be able to personalize this card anyway you want on the front. If you would like them pre-addressed, then when you order them, make sure we have your address too.


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Form Object


When you write a thank you note or an Oops card, you simply need to remind them that you
talked to them, thank them for what ever they did, tell them how it makes you feel, and tell
them what happens next.